Brazil Directory

Brazil or the Federative Republic of Brazil is a country located in the continent of South America between 6 deg and 34 deg S latitudes and 28 deg and 74 deg W longitudes. It is the largest country in South America with a coastline of approximately 7,491 kms. The population of Brazil stands at 190 million. It shares its boundaries with Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname, Columbia, Peru and Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The country figures in the list of highly developed nations, in terms of economic progress it is growing by leaps and bounds. Brasilia is the capital of Brazil. Sao Paulo is the largest city in the country. The land is a Presidential Constitutional Republic. It is spread across an area of 8,514,877 sq kms. The country has a predominantly tropical type of climate however, there are huge variations seen in weather across the length and breadth of the country.

Site Listings
  • BR Online : Specialized in offering complete travel and tourism services in Brazil.

  • Brazil Nuts : Offering customized travel packages to Brazil.

  • Eco Brazil : Tour operator specialized in ecotours and adventure travel packages to Brazil.

  • Ariau Towers : Largest treetop hotel in the World, nestled in a canopy of trees above the Amazon river.

  • G3 Visas Online : Specialized in visas and passports for business or pleasure travel.

  • Discover Brazil Tours : Specialized in discount airline and hotel reservation tickets to Brazil.

  • : Travel agency specialized in travel and tours from US to Brazil.

  • Net Flores : Offers flower delivery locally and internationally.

  • Property in Brasil : Agents specialized solely in the sale of Brazilian property and investments.

  • Eaglestar : Searchable directory of timberlands and rural properties for sale.

  • Wikipedia - Brazil : Provides comprehensive information about Brazil.

  • InfoPlease - Brazil : Online information about Brazil. Features maps, history, geography, government, culture, facts, Guides and more.

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