Before submitting your web site to 1 Webs Directory, please follow our Submission Guidelines.
- Before start submitting a website please use our search option to confirm the website is not already listed in the directory.
- We do not accept web sites primarily containing affiliate links to sell affiliate products.
- We do not accept sites with popup windows and other technologies that interfere with viewing the main content of the site.
- We do not accept websites which don't have original information/content, or do no value-add.
- Do not submit websites that uses too many keywords within the content and are created specially for Search Engines.
- Do not submit mirror sites that have the same content, but different URLs.
- Do not submit sites that are under construction.
- Submit your web sites to the single most relevant category.
- Do not submit multiple sites with same content but different URLs.
- We accept only web sites with English language.
- We do not accept submissions from adult, gamble, hate sites, and any website that promotes illegal activities.
- Approval of the websites is at sole discretion of 1websdirectory.
- Please use the official name of the website as a title.
- Each and every website submitted to the directory is reveiwed by the editors and if it meets our submission guidelines the website will be added to appropriate categories with description edited.