1 Webs Directory Listing Packages

1 Webs Directory offers 3 options to submit your website. Read and understand the different features available in each of the package. Sponsored listing package is recently introduced with local business listing option which enhances the visibility and increases the visitors to your website. Browse on to home page and select exact category and submit your website for review. Find below the 3 different submission options:

Free Listings


  • No Review Charges
  • No Time Guarantee
  • Listed Below Sponsored and Featured Listings
  • Listing Include URL, Title and Description

  • No Category Preference

  • No Deep Links

Featured Listing


  • Onetime Review Charges
  • Reviewed in 2-3 Business Days
  • Listed Below Sponsored Listings

  • Listing include URL, Title and Description

  • No Category Preference

  • No Deep Links

Sponsored Listing


  • Onetime Review Charges
  • Reviewed in 1-2 Business Days
  • Listed Above Free and Featured Listings

  • Listing Include URL, Title, Description, Social Pages and Logo
  • Exclusive Business Profile Page (Local Business Listing) Featuring Logo, Address, Location Map, Products, Services, etc.
  • Preferred Category
  • Additional 5 Deep Links
  • Links to Social Pages
  • Top Category Position

1 Webs Directsory Blog - Guest Post Submissions

Guest Post


  • No Review Charges
  • Unique article with 600 and above words are accepted
  • Will be published under appropriate category
  • Article can include 2 Links (1 in body and 1 in author bio) to your company website and other external resourceful websites

  • Author Profile: Can include breif description about author with hyper links to your company website and social media profiles

  • Article will be reviewed and published in 1 day
  • Article will be shared in all the social media networking websites

Sponsored Post


  • Onetime Review Charges
  • Unique article with 600 and above words will be accepted
  • Will be published under preferred category

  • Article can include 2 links to your company website with other resourceful websites

  • Author Profile: Brief description about your company OR author with hyper links to your company website and social media profiles

  • Each author can submit any number of articles
  • Article will be reviewed and published in 2 days
  • Article will be shared in all the Social Media Networking Websites
  • No Refund after the article is published

Sponsored Post


  • Onetime Review Charges
  • Unique article with 800 and above words will be written by Expert Authors
  • Will be published under preferred category

  • Article will include 2 links to your company website with other resourceful websites

  • Author Profile: Brief description about your company with hyper links to your company website and social media profiles

  • Article will be written on Preferred Topic
  • Article will be reviewed and published in 4 days
  • Article will be shared in all the Social Media Networking Websites
  • No Refund after the article is written and published

If you are looking for bulk submissions please contact us for the discounts.