Burkina Faso Directory

Burkina or Burkina Faso is a country located in West Africa. It was initially known as the Republic of Upper Volta and was renamed as “Burkina Faso” on the 4th of August, 1984. It is located between 9 deg and 15 deg N latitudes and 6 deg W and 3 deg E longitudes. It is spread over an area of 274,200 sq kms. The population of the country is approximately 15,757,000. It shares its boundaries with 6 other countries namely, Benin, Mali, Niger, Ghana, Togo and Cote d Ivoire. It is a semi-presidential republic. Ouagadougou is the capital of the country. The official language of Burkina Faso is French. West African CFA Franc is the currency of the country. Burkina Faso is divided into 13 different regions. The climate here is tropical. Agriculture is the main source of income and employment to the people of Burkina Faso and makes a contribution of approximately 32% to the GDP (gross domestic product) of the land.

Site Listings
  • WTO - Burkina Faso : Burkina Faso has been a member of WTO since 3 June 1995, which gathers key information on Burkina Faso's participation in the World Trade Organization.

  • Africa Guide - Burkina Faso : Complete guide to Burkina Faso, with details on accommodation, safaris, visitor travel information and much more.

  • Burkina Business School : Developing and training technical people to install and maintain solar energy equipments and plants like lamps, water heaters, coolers and chargers.

  • Africa Travel Guide - Burkina Faso : Resource for travel guide and reservation service as well as providing destination profile for Burkina Faso with information on flights, hotels and packages.

  • Lonely Planet - Burkina Faso : Provides introduction to the country with information on getting there, information includes facts, maps, history, culture, transport and weather of Burkina Faso.

  • AFDB - Burkina Faso : Presents an economic profile of Burkina Faso. Bank aimed at helping the country with sustainable development and poverty reduction efforts.

  • IICD - Burkina Faso : International institute specialized in providing information and communication technology as a tool for development since 1997.

  • Burkina Mask Catalogue : University of Iowa School of art history presents images of Burkina masks.

  • Plan - Burkina Faso : Established as early childhood care and development programs for survival, protection and health care of children to ensure their development from birth to six years.

  • CIA - Burkina Faso : Presents list of chiefs of State and cabinet members of foreign governments.

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