Animal Health Directory

The branch of knowledge that studies and takes care of animal health is known as veterinary science. Animals kept as pets and those useful to us in our day to day life need to be kept in good health. A good understanding of the breed, their problems and the exact nature of the problem is essential to provide a cure. With several species of animals and each species having unique characteristics the science of animal health is a rather vast subject requiring in-depth knowledge and also an understanding of animal behavior. With sophisticated technology and new discoveries bringing in desirable changes in the field of animal health, the veterinary doctor needs to update the knowledge regularly. The doctor also needs to handle each animal as per its behavioral traits and so a love and understanding towards animals is an essential requisite to be a part of this discipline. Animal health needs to be ensured so that they have a good quality of life and also that they do not transmit any disease to humans.

Site Listings
  • Exotic Pet Vet : Provides practical medical and husbandry information about primates, small animals, birds, reptiles, rabbit, fish and other animals.

  • : Provides wide variety of diagnosis charts and information on diseases that affect aquarium fish.

  • : Offering educational program courses on marine animal medicine for veterinary students and veterinarians.

  • Morris Animal Foundation : World's largest nonprofit foundation, dedicated to improves the health and well-being of companion animals and wildlife.

  • Dog Cat Bird Vet : Dr. LeClear, providing the latest information on medicine, surgery and behavior techniques for birds.

  • : Providing wide range of information on health, care, illness, injury, well bird exams, diagnostics, systems, handicapped birds and more.

  • Healthy Pet : Find a veterinarian, veterinary clinic or animal hospital for pets throughout the U.S. & Canada.

  • Pfizer : Offers information on health and wellness of animals. Helps to protect the health of pets and farm animals and the productivity of livestock.

  • Elanco : Develops and markets products to improve animal health and protein production in different countries wordwide.

  • Animal Health Australia : Aims to ensure the national animal health system delivers competitive advantage and preferred market access for Australia's livestock industries. Company was established by the Australian, state and territory governments and livestock industry organisations.

  • CatchFred - Place for all Things Dog : Provides comprehensive information on dog including breed info, news, food, health, dog advice and more.

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