Art History Directory

Art history is the branch of study that deals with studying the history of art. This involves academic study as well as practical knowledge. The art historian gathers all data regarding the genre of art, the time of creation, the aim behind it and what are the factors that have had an impact on it. This includes all forms of art like architecture, sculpture and painting to name a few. This field of study is extremely interesting and requires that the person has the aptitude and a desire to learn. A good understanding of the subject is required to be a good art historian. What we know of the art world from the ancient times to the present is courtesy the art historians who delve deep into the study of different pieces of art and have presented us with a world of facts that is truly valuable.

Site Listings
  • Art in the Picture : Online guide to art history, paintings and related resources.

  • Art Magick : Online gallery displaying paintings and poetry from art movements of 19th and 20th centuries.

  • Asia Art : Presents with traditional and modern Asian art that captures the spirit, cultural complexity and charm of Asia.

  • : Resource for great reference material in art, history, criticism, aesthetics and education. Includes definitions of terms, illustrations, quotations and links to other resources.

  • Art Renewal : Offering biographical information of paintings from great masters of 19th century.

  • GP Weisberg : Focusing on themes affecting French art from the middle of 19th century until first World War.

  • Art History Florence : Offering short art history courses in the beautiful Palazzo Guadagni at Piazza Santo Spirito.

  • Mexican Masks : Non-commercial website featuring a wide Collection of authentic danced masks from Mexico and Guatemala with comments on the art of collecting and other observations.

  • : Features an online catalogue of art pieces, sculpture, architecture and photography of more than 22,000 museums and virtual galleries.

  • Smart History : Delivering unscripted conversations about multimedia web-based art history textbooks on times, styles and artists.

  • Masterpiece Cards, The : Publisher of Leonardo and Warhol's art history flashcards and paintings made between 1400s to 1960s.

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